Industrial Safety

The highest performers in manufacturing today are united through their use of safety to enhance production. See how Blue Onyx Systems safety engineering can bring your workers, machinery, and product together in harmony to elevate your operations.

A Competitive Opportunity

How does your company view safety? Risk management is frequently looked at as a necessary, but hindering task that doesn't significantly contribute to the bottom line. However, safe operation should be viewed as an opportunity to get the most out a company's production assets.

Integrate & Optimize At Any Stage Of Safety

​Blue Onyx Systems offers a complete set of safety engineering services that can address your safety needs from machine level to plant level. Blue Onyx Systems engineers are certified and experienced in designing, programming, and implementing safety technology using the world's leading suppliers of safe equipment.

Take your next step to maximizing the value in your operations with Blue Onyx Systems safety solutions.

Visit the Safety Section of the BOS blog


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Manufacturing environments vary from industry to industry and even from facility to facility. These differences aside, the top performers in each segment share a common commitment that facilitates manufacturing consistency and production efficiency, and that common thread is safety.

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A risk assessment locates opportunities to create a safer operating environment, but identifying the hazard is only half the battle. Through safe design, integration, and support services, our clients realize safe systems that are robust and sustainable for the long-term.

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Manufacturers are continuing to realize the benefits of implementing industrial robots into their production process.

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