Automated Palletizing Solutions

When done right, end-of-line solutions such as palletizing and depalletizing can make life much easier and safer for a manufacturing company, and when it’s automated, it can be a very smooth, and efficient process.

Different types of automated palletizing:

Palletizing uses robots to stack cases onto pallets, increasing palletizing speed and lowering the chance of human error. Adding to the convenience, robots can adapt to different stacking patterns.

Mixed load palletizing uses robotic systems to arrange various cases onto a pallet strategically. Using robots offers a streamlined solution for improving palletized shipments, which can lead to better logistics operations.

Depalletizing, the reverse of palletizing, automates the removal of items from pallets. Robotic depalletizing improves productivity and reduces the risk of injuries connected with manual labor.

Mixed load depalletizing uses robots with advanced sensors, cameras, and algorithms to identify and analyze each item’s dimensions and position. Using these tools, the robots determine the best arrangement on the pallet for proper distribution.

Palletizing Conveyer with boxes

Integrating robotics and automation into palletizing and depalletizing offers some serious incentives:

  • Robots work consistently, leading to higher output and lesser cycle times.
  • Robotic systems reduce the need for manual labor in potentially precarious settings, improving worker safety.
  • Setup costs may be high, but the long-term savings in labor fees and increased productivity pay for themselves over time.
Sprinter Palletizer

Sprinter Series Palletizing

Max Speed - Single 10ppm | Multi 40ppm

View Sprinter Series Palletizing

Do you have questions about automating your palletizing processes?

Blue Onyx Systems has the answers!

Call us at 866.243.2402 or

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